Saturday, December 12, 2009


As a UNCC staff team, we decided we needed a blog. Andrew, Artie and I (Kristin) want to keep our friends, supporters, family, staff team and students in the loop of what the Lord is doing in our lives and in ministry. Here is a quick bio on how the three of us ended up here in Charlotte and working on staff with Campus Outreach to help reach college students for Christ.

Kristin Kelly Niland

Hey friends... let me give you a glimpse of how the Lord brought me to Charlotte. My four years at Elon University was the most influencial time in my spiritual life. Along with working hard in the classroom, I also was learning how to walk with God. While I was at Elon I had a Campus Outreach Staff person (Ashlee Johnson) investing in my life, helping me learn how to study the scriptures, share my faith, lead bible studies, pushing me to grow as a leader and in character. The things I learned from Ashlee are things that are going to stick with me for the rest of my life. It was a time where deep foundations were built in my relationship with the Lord. During my junior and senior year there, I got the privilege to lead a couple of girls on my hall to the Lord and also lead a few bible studies. It was awesome, and I loved influencing other college students!

Senior year came around and people were looking into jobs, graduate schools, and moving to big cities. Of course I did the same thing, trying to figure out what my next step would be after graduation. As I researched graduate programs and looked at jobs, all I could think about was how much I loved helping other women grow spiritually and that I wanted to do it full time. The opportunity came up for me to come on staff with Campus Outreach and it seemed like the next step the Lord wanted me to take. I have been working here at UNCC for almost two years... I can't believe it’s been that long already!

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